All testing for Iwama Ryu Bukiwaza Certification Levels will be conducted via video link and recorded submissions.
All Bukiwaza presentations at all levels are expected to be shown as if the candidate is teaching a class of beginners. Accordingly the expectation is for slow, clear and precise movements. To show the pace at which all Bukiwaza levels should be demonstrated (with your video submissions), please go to any YouTube film and open ’Settings’ at the right hand edge of the screen. Open the “Playback speeds” as shown in the example. Then try to perform ALL your Aikido Bukiwaza at the speed of 0.25 and no faster than 0.5.
Presentations shall be considered incorrect if they are offered at demonstration or grading speed. The Bukiwaza certification levels are to validate the candidates ability to impart the Iwama weapons of Saito Sensei.
Shihan Sargeant will be looking to improve the very best around the globe and help enhance those who are serious about keeping Iwama weapons clear and true to what his sensei and O-Sensei gave us from the original dojo in Iwama Japan.
Examinees will be expected to say the names or count number of each technique before execution, in Japanese and so it can be clearly heard.
To form part of the ‘transmission’ process the examinees will record their presentations and the specific details that are at the core of the techniques. These video recordings will be privately published on YouTube with access restricted to examinee only.
Guidance will be given by Sensei Sargeant during the submission and appraisal period and the examinees will have opportunities to ‘polish’ their techniques in line the level’s requirements and resubmit where necessary. It is strongly advised that applicants study the many videos Sensei Sargeant has published online to ensure the understand the detail, precision and standard expected for the Iwama Ryu Bukiwaza Certification Levels.
Upon successful testing an official certificate will be issued to the examinee.
Applicants are expected to have studied the videos offered on the Iwama Ryu Certification website as well as all relevant, associated video media (specifically those of Saito Morihiro Shihan) prior to submitting their video presentations. As Sensei Sargeant performs a detailed analysis and feedback, as part of the certification process, it is important that as many details as possible are offered correctly and with repetition to demonstrate the understanding required for the certification levels.
In the event of a failed attempt at certification (after having been offered opportunities to correct whichever elements are lacking) the examinee will be allowed to re-test within 12 months and an additional fee (50% of test fee) will be charged in order to cover the additional assessment work.
Note: Each examinee will be expected to present the required forms in a slow, clear manner as if instructing a ‘beginner level’ class
Aiki Ken Suburi
Aiki Ken Awase
Aiki Jo Suburi
Examination Fee and Certification: £120.00 (No physical attendance but with detailed, personalised, instructional feedback on submitted videos)
Click here to go to the application page
Note: Each examinee will be expected to present the required forms in a slow, clear manner as if instructing a ‘beginner level’ class
Aiki Jo Ju San No Kata – 13 Count Kata
Aiki Jo San Ju Ichi No Kata – 31 Count Kata
Examination Fee and Certification: £150.00 (No physical attendance but with detailed, personalised, instructional feedback on submitted videos)
Click here to go to the application page
Note: Each examinee will be expected to present the required forms in a slow, clear manner as if instructing a ‘beginner level’ class
Aiki Ken Happo Giri
Aiki Ken Ki Musubi No Tachi (Kihon and Ki No Nagare)
Aiki Ken Kumi Tachi
Examination Fee and Certification: £200.00 (No physical attendance but with detailed, personalised, instructional feedback on submitted videos)
Click here to go to the application page
Note: Each examinee will be expected to present the required forms in a slow, clear manner as if instructing a ‘beginner level’ class
Aiki Jo San Ju Ichi No Kumi Jo – 31 Jo Kumi Jo
Examination Fee and Certification: £250.00 (No physical attendance but with detailed, personalised, instructional feedback on submitted videos)
Click here to go to the application page
At the discretion of Sensei Sargeant (prior notification of qualification will be provided) but also to include any/all of the above.
The Godan Bukiwaza certification is considered to be the Menkyo Kaiden or ‘licence of total transmission’, the highest level master grade for Iwama weapons skill. Once achieved the holder is granted the ability to join the commission of examiners for Iwama Ryu Bukiwaza.
The Godan Bukiwaza requirement for examination submission shall include all of the testing requirements from levels 1 to 4 (new recordings) in addition to anything that is felt appropriate for qualification.
Examination Fee and Certification: £350.00 (No physical attendance but with detailed, personalised, instructional feedback on submitted videos)
Click here to go to the application page
The following videos are offered to those wishing to learn more about the certification testing process and who may be considering applying for assessment: